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Leadership boosts student success at Mirada

Principal Nancy Branch said, “We are honored to become a Leader in Me Lighthouse School. We have seen such amazing results from implementing the Leader-in-Me process at our school, such as improved academic ownership, an increase in student confidence and a decrease in negative student behaviors.”
The Lighthouse Milestone is a highly regarded standard set by Franklin Covey. The attainment of the Lighthouse Milestone represents a significant benchmark, and it is evidence that a high standard has been met by a school.
Applying for the Lighthouse Milestone typically occurs three to five years after a school begins the Leader-in-Me curriculum.
Kyrene de la Mirada Elementary joins 262 schools nationwide that hold the Lighthouse designation and is one of only two in Arizona.
Please see the media article below.
By Diana Whittle
May 25, 2017
Wrangler News
Look out President Trump—youth at Mirada Elementary in Chandler now understand leadership skills and stand ready to be accountable for their academic achievement and behavior.
If this seems like a tall order, given the students’ tender ages—between kindergarten and fifth grade—Kyrene de la Mirada principal Nancy Branch says the elementary students have mastered traits usually reserved for adults through a program called the “Leader in Me.”
The principles behind the Leader-in-Me philosophy are drawn from a wide-variety of social-emotional learning and other respected educational models. As a result of adopting the Leader-in-Me program, Mirada was named a “Lighthouse School,” by Franklin Covey, the organization who created the program and is also known for the “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.”