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Follow us for latest news and events around the District. Find us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

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Kyrene中学on Facebook

Kyrene中学on YouTube

Join the conversation using KSD hashtags
Please share the achievements and celebrations of your children and their schools through interaction on our social media.

#WeAreKyrene (for District-wide events/happenings)
#FirstStepKyrene (for Kindergarten and Early Learning events/happenings)
#KSDGameDay (for athletics/intramurals)

There’s a Kyrene app for that!
If you’re looking for an easy way to check lunch menus, school and District news, ParentVue or calendars, look no further than our app (software you can download in the “app store” on your smartphone or mobile device).
Search for “Kyrene Elementary School District” in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. It’s Free!