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Letter from your PTO President 22-23

Kyrene de las Lomas PTO

Mission Statement:

Kyrene de las Lomas Elementary School PTO’s mission is to encourage open communication while also building a bridge between the parents and staff to strengthen academic support. Our commitment is to enhance and maximize the feel of the community of every student’s family while assisting them in achieving their highest potential in education.

A message from the PTO President......

Hello, my name is Jeanette Webster. I have been the PTO President for three years and it’s been amazing. I have so much fun working on different events and seeing all the kids smile and have a great time. It really makes it all worth it!! I am a Lomas Eagle. I grew up at this school and now my husband Rueben and I have three children that attend Lomas. When I first joined the PTO as a creative planner, it was just to be more involved with my kids, before I knew I was President. I look forward to having even more events than we have had in the past.

What does the PTOreallydo?

We have PTO-sponsored and PTO-supported events planned throughout the year that support educational strategies in the classrooms, friendship building events, fun experiences in and outside of the classroom, athletic activities that encourage health and wellness and opportunities for parents to meet teachers and other parents too!

We can do this by direct and indirect fundraising. Examples of indirect fundraising are Box Tops, Fry’s Community Rewards and Amazon Smile. These programs allow us to passively raise funds by accumulating points or clips that you provide for us with your everyday shopping. We also raise funds through direct fundraising. This is where we will ask you to come out and support with purchases or donations. These include Restaurant nights, Step it Up, Book Fairs and more.

In the past, we have been able to provide funding for new books for the library, Family Fun Night and Pumpkin Walk, as well as funding for teacher grants for each teacher to make purchases for their classroom, just to name a few. We want to continue providing these things for our children and even more, butwe cannot do it without your help!!

How can I help our children have a壮观的year?

There are many new opportunities this year to join in on the fun! We have committees that you can register to join, where you can help at home just by stapling papers, or you can join a committee where you help plan an event such as a dance or the Pumpkin Walk. Please email usptolomas@gmail.comor call/text 602.321.5892

I look forward to meeting you soon!

Jeanette Webster

Lomas PTO President