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可以ene's SSC collect and bag hygiene items for the FRC

Posted December 2019

The students who serve on the Kyrene Student/Superintendent Council (SSC) were tasked with coordinating a donation drive at their schools to support the Kyrene Family Resource Center (KFRC). During their most recent meeting, members of the SSC learned about the importance of the resource center from Erin Schroeder, Kyrene's Director of Federal Programs, and Irma Horton, Family & Community Outreach Coordinator.

Students collected hygiene items including shampoo, deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste and snack items like granola/protein bars, cereal, cheese crackers and soup. Students sorted and assembled more than 200 bags that will be available to families seeking assistance over the holiday season.

“Giving feels even better when you give the simple necessities that are often taken for granted," said Sydnie Taylor, a student at Kyrene Altadeña Middle School and member of SSC.

In addition to hygiene products, students also included handwritten cards with words of hope and well wishes for the new year, which created an additional layer of meaning behind the donation drive.

Student placing letter in bagStudents packing hygiene bags

“You never realize how fortunate you are until you take the time to help others in need," said Morgan Clouser, a student at Kyrene de los Cerritos.

Also, to meet the goal of providing children in need with a brand new book, students donated a new copy of their favorite children’s book.

SSC provides students with an opportunity to meet with the Superintendent on a regular basis and to provide feedback on District initiatives. The SSC includes representatives from each of the 25 schools in Kyrene—a 4th and 5th grader from each of the elementary schools and one student from each grade level (6-8) in middle school.

This year, the group has been focusing on “equity and inclusion,” and the collection of items for the KFRC is part of their ongoing conversation around the importance of serving others and their community.

“We have some amazing students participating in SSC,” said Dr. Jan Vesely, Kyrene Superintendent,“and they were eager to step up to the challenge of organizing a drive at their schools to help provide for Kyrene families over the holiday season."

SSC Students packing hygiene bags