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Kyrenede los Lagos Dual Language Academy

Dual Language- The power of two languages, the power of two worlds
The term dual language refers to a program that provides content instruction to students in both English and Spanish. Students begin this program in either kindergarten or at the start of first grade to ensure success, unless they are transferring in from another Dual Language program. Dual Language teachers construct a program rich in bi-literacy, language acquisition, and high academic standards in a 50/50 delivery model where students receive half day instruction in English and half day instruction in Spanish. There is no mixing of languages during each half day section. Students in this program are held to the same standards as their non-participating grade-level peers in both languages.
Enrollment in the Dual Language program is voluntary and requires parental consent. Students who speak and or are exposed to a language other than English are assessed to determine English oral proficiency. Students must take the Arizona English Language Learner Assessment (AZELLA) to determine the student’s proficiency in English if a student’s primary language is other than English in one of the following areas:

language most often spoken by the student

language that the student first acquired

primary language used in the home regardless of the language spoken by the student

If the student scores proficient on the Listening and Speaking sub tests, the district can complete a waiver application to request permission to allow the student to participate in the Dual Language program. Students who don’t score proficient on these sub tests will be placed in a mainstream classroom with language support.

Our school’s Dual Language Program:

  • Focuses on high expectationsfor all students while also preparing them forcollege,
  • Sets high academic standardsfor students; same high standards as theirpeers.
  • 提供日常指导in both languages.
  • Demonstrate commitment to excellence.Our priority is your child learningacademically in both languages.

It is our expectation that parents attend a parent information where they will learn three goals of the Dual Language program and learn more about our 50/50 model before they enroll their child in this program. As with any educational program, parent involvement and participation is crucial for student success. Parents can show their support throughout the school year by attending various meeting, events and activities during the school year, volunteering in the classroom, and supporting their child’s learning of a second language. Daily instruction in both languages will help students on their journey in becoming bilingual and bi-literate. The gift of a second language lasts a life time!Dual Language Handbook

Click below for more information:

Dual Language Handbook

Dual Language Frequently Asked Questions

What parents want to know about Foreign Language Immersion programs
Why, when and how my child should learn a second language

To schedule a parent information meeting contact Mrs. Felicia Williams at (480) 541-3200 or at

AZ DLI Network Graphic

Kyrenede los Lagos is proud to be part of the Arizona Dual Language and Immersion Educators Network.