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New pick up procedures

We wanted to let you know of changes that will occur AFTER Labor Day. Beginning September 3, 2019, we will change where parent pick up is located. It will be in the same location as our morning parent drop off. Please see the attached diagram. Please see below for some additional information about after school:

  • We highly encourage that you stay in your cars and drive through to pick up students. This helps with congestion and parking on Dava Dr. Students will be waiting in the shade with grade level teachers for their names to be called to go to cars.
  • You are also welcome to stand outside the fence to wait for your child. Students must high five a teacher and point their parent out before they leave the area.
  • Our front lot will be used only for our day care vans and the special education bus.
  • The front and east parking lots are for buses and day care vans only. There is no parking in these lots after school.
  • You will also notice cones placed in new places along Dava Dr as our buses must have enough room to swing out into the street to get students home.

Parking Lot Diagram