

Overall, students who are not present for direct instruction tend to have more difficulty in completing class assignments.Each and every period of the day is important and we need to have students present and ready to learn at the first bell.

When your child is tardy to school due to a doctor’s appointment or other acceptable reason, he/she must come into the school office to sign in and receive a pass to class.In order for the tardy to be excused, the student must be accompanied by a parent, have a note, or phone call from the parent.

Tardiness is defined as a student not being in the classroom when the bell rings.The teacher in any class can take disciplinary action for tardiness.

Missing the bus, car trouble, oversleeping, shopping, baby-sitting, etc. areexamples of unexcused absences.

We urge parents to support the school and their child’s education by reinforcing the importance of being to school and in class ontime.

Please review the information regarding absences in thefamily handbook.