General Travel Information

  • Get Approval Prior to Travel

    When district travel is approved, the most economical means should be selected.

    No travel arrangements or commitments are to be made until appropriate approvals are obtained.
    ATravel Pre-Approval Documentshould besignedand approved by the Department requesting the travel. It must be attached to all travel claims.

    READTraveler Responsibilitiesbefore submitting travel-related requisitions or making any arrangements.

    Submit a Purchase Requisition in the name of the traveler for the estimated amount of reimbursable expenses only.

    To be eligible for reimbursement of meals and lodging, employees must be at least 50 miles from their duty post and personal residence.

    Travel Status

    Travel begins when the traveler leaves their personal residence or work site, whichever occurs last, and ends when the traveler returns to their personal residence or work site, whichever occurs first.

    Please Keep Receipts

    Where receipts are required, please submit theoriginal detailedreceipts. Please keep a copy for your own records.

    Submit Claim in a Timely Manner

    Travel claims should be submittedwithin five daysafter the return of travel, butno later than 30 daysafter travel is completed (prior to June 30th).

    For employees who are normally reimbursed for in-district travel, claims should be submitted at least monthly, but no later than 60 days after travel is completed. Please note that travel claims filed beyond the designated filing deadlines may not be eligible for reimbursement.

    Claim Form Details

    Fill out your claim forms completely, and provide all required back-up documentation

    Mileage reimbursement is to be included on the travel reimbursement form at the rate of 44.5 cents per mile, and odometer readings, dates and times must be submitted on the form.

    All travel claims must indicate the time and place travel begins and ends, odometer readings (if applicable) and both employee and authorized signatures.

    Submit the original receipts for all the expenses for which you are claiming reimbursement.

    提交会议或会议提供的小册子e an itemized listing of the activities to determine which meals are included as part of the conference fees.

    A hard copy of electronic receipts is acceptable, provided that the detail contained within the document is equivalent to the level of detail contained in an acceptable original paper record.

Last Modified on July 23, 2021