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  • Teacher Evaluation and Growth System (TEGS)
  • The Teacher Evaluation and Growth System (TEGS) outlines the process of our teacher performance evaluations.
    Click here to access the new TEGS document.
    Click here to access the Teacher Evaluation Design Team (TEDT) web page , where you will find TEDT presentations on the TEGS revisions, the Marzano Art and Science of Teaching Framework, the iObservation tool, as well as helpful Marzano resources and an Ideas/Comments form.
    Work with Evaluator to Meet TEGS Guidelines
    We field many questions from members about the TEGS process, mainly in the areas of scheduling and paperwork. Please work with your primary evaluators (principals or assistants) to assure these scheduling guidelines are followed as closely as possible.
    • January 15 - First observation completed and midpoint evaluation score calculated for Probationary (formerlyT-3) teachers.
    • April 15 - Second observation completed for Probationary (formerlyT-3) teachers.
    • April 15 - First observation completed for Continuing (formerly T+3) teachers.
    • April 15 - Final evaluation scores completed for Probationary and Continuing teachers.
    • Classroom observations, walkthroughs, and evaluations may not be conducted within two instructional days before any school break of one week or more. Conferences collaboratively scheduled during these days are acceptable. .

    If you have questions about these or other TEGS issues, please contact a member of KEA’sProfessional Responsibilities Committee(PRC) immediately.

Last Modified on April 29, 2020