• 读"width=
    关于伯恩斯太太 灰色的线"width=

    嗨!我是伯恩斯太太,我是凯里内·德·拉斯·马里波萨的老师兼图书管理员。今年是我教育孩子的第33年,也是最后一年。实际上我去年就退休了,但今年很幸运地被要求每周教两天课。在过去,我教过:四年级,二年级,ESL和SEI(所有年级),并在Kyrene de los的媒体中心Niños。我喜欢所有年龄段的孩子。我自己有两个孩子。Ryan今年27岁,是亚利桑那州立大学金融专业的毕业生。他还没毕业就找到了工作!去鬼! !霍莉,我的女儿,25岁。 She is working in the medical technology field. She is a machanical engineer and graduated from Mercer University. I enjoy traveling, reading, walking, and bike riding. I was NOT a reader in school. I became a reader once computers became a part of our lives. I believe that it is never to late to get the reading bug and I look forward to bringing children and literature together. It is my goal to get children talking and excited about books and authors.