• Jessey约翰逊"width=

  • 关于杰西·约翰逊


    我很高兴能在Kyrene de la Estrella为社区服务。从亚利桑那州立大学毕业后,我的职业生涯开始于这里。(加油)我在Kyrene学区的前7年在Aprende中学教6年级数学。当我在Aprende时,我在北亚利桑那州立大学攻读教育领导硕士学位,就在我毕业前,我有机会进入学区的行政部门。我在Kyrene地区办事处的社区教育和外展服务部门担任了三年的项目主管。我花时间在那里监督学校前后的丰富课程、学前课程和暑期学院。除此之外,我还是两个地区特色计划C.A.S.A Vida地区家庭学校支援计划和蒙特梭利学前教育的协调人。我的下一个行政经验是在Kyrene大学预备学院担任六年级学生顾问。我在那里工作了两年,过得非常愉快。随后,她又回到了Aprende中学担任七年级的学生主任。 Most recently I was serving the Estrella community as the assistant principal and now I am very excited to continue my service here as the proud principal of Estrella. My commitment to serving the community and my love of teaching are the strengths that I bring to this position. My experience with advanced curricular studies and community based programs provide a wide area of expertise to offer Estrella. It is my belief that all students can benefit from academic challenges and high expectations. With that I also believe that students (as well as all people) deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. You can expect to find me in classrooms working with students and teachers, doing lunch duty, engaging with students during passing periods, and at extracurricular activities. If you do need to contact me I will be more than happy to assist you. Please send me an email atjjohnson@kyrene.org我会回复你的我当然希望您选择埃斯特雷拉作为您孩子教育的选择!
